hepi besday ke 60 (boss yg ckp sbb umo boss 56)..
semoga berbahagia di samping isteri tersayang sambil menantikan kehadiran org baru.. best of luck.. & dilindungi Allah hendaknya...
from all of us in ada2aje...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
hepi besday sazlan
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Golden monkey...
Hai kawan2..
gembira2 kan lah hati walaupun tak berapa nak happy... smile always..
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
selamat bersabtu..
aduhhh.. hari ni sah kena cari durian.. kepingin bebenor..
selamat bersabtu semua.. selamat berrr apa2 yg dilakukan...
moga ceria & sihat sejahtera hendaknya...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Evolution: becoming a professional photographer
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Lawatan ke rumah puan Ayu sempena kelahiran baby

Masih tak terlambat rasanya untuk melawat baby puan Ayu ni, jd kami (Faizal & Mel) dengan penuh bersemangat mengatur jadual untuk lawatan ni. Mengikut perkiraan dia umur baby 24 hari, setelah berpusing2 mencari rumah akhirnya sampai jua ke rumah si Ayu ni, pening jugak sbb ada sambungan ke highway DUKE pulak dekat kawasan Setiawangsa tu. Jadi agak lewat sikit sampai. Sampai2 kami dihidangkan dengan kuih2 tradisi, kalau sblm ni lawatan cik Leen dan Fizza, rambut baby x berpotong ni dah bercukur. Ayu dan Amir kelihatan ceria sekali, mulanya agak malu2 si Amir tu tp kemudian bila dah rancak berborak siap ajak pi piknik skali pulak, ke Pulau Tengo kat Terengganu, tgklah kalau ada kelapangan dan rezeki. Fizza dgn Leen jgn jeles yer, sbb kitorang siap dapat pangku baby lg :P
p/s: Save Gaza!
Friday, June 12, 2009
selamat hari jumaat..
assalamualaikum & selamat pagi semua.. salam jumaat semoga semuanya diberkati...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
![]() | START ENGINES With your right or left arm |
LEFT TURN Raise your left arm | ![]() |
![]() | RIGHT TURN Raise your left arm |
HAZARD LEFT Extend your left arm at | ![]() |
![]() | HAZARD RIGHT A Extend your right leg at a 45 degree downward angle to signal the hazard. |
HAZARD RIGHT B Extend your left arm upward | ![]() |
![]() | SPEED UP Raise your left arm up and down |
SLOW DOWN Extend your left arm at | ![]() |
![]() | STOP Extend your left arm at |
SINGLE FILE Position your left hand over | ![]() |
![]() | STAGGERED FORMATION Extend your left arm upward |
TIGHTEN UP Raise your left arm and | ![]() |
![]() | PISSED OFF Extend your left arm straight out |
P/S: on the bike!!!
happy thursday!
Assalamualaikum & selamat pagi kawan2...
jom gi mandi sungai hari ni... *cuti2 malaysia*
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

NOD32's Control Center centralizes four previously separate antivirus modules. NOD32 scans the entire system for viruses on demand or on schedule; AMON scans files on access; and DMON scans Microsoft Office documents. Most important, IMON scans incoming POP3 and HTTP streams (but not outgoing mail), blocking viruses in e-mail and downloaded files. When scanning a particularly large file, IMON can automatically display progress in a semitransparent floating window. And it separately blocks worms like Blaster from exploiting open ports. It also claims to protect against nonvirus malware, such as spyware and key-loggers (though we did not test this feature). NOD32 relies on frequently updated virus signatures to recognize known viruses and includes defenses against unknown threats as well. Standard heuristic detection is enabled by default; Eset warns that "Deep" detection may accidentally flag innocuous programs. The powerful advanced-heuristics protection actually executes suspect code on a virtual PC and watches for suspicious behavior; this feature is turned off by default for on-access scanning, to save time. According to Eset, advanced heuristics alone blocked 81 percent of viruses in internal testing. In a test by AV-comparatives.org, a previous version detected 33 percent of in-the-wild viruses using only heuristics—better than all other products the organization tested. West Coast Labs gives it CheckMarks for virus detection, virus removal, and Trojan detection. It has ICSA Labs certification for virus detection, but not for removal. NOD32 Antivirus System combines excellent detection of known viruses with powerful heuristic scanning for unknown viruses. The Control Center in this version makes it easier to use the four previously separate scanning modules. However, configuring it will still be a challenge for ordinary users.
When a virus is detected, NOD32 optionally sends an alert via e-mail or the Windows Messenger service. (Many users, though, disable the Messenger service because of its abuse by spammers.) Users can configure every aspect of the four modules: what to scan, where to scan, how to scan, how to handle viruses, and more. You can save multiple profiles for different on-demand scans, and schedule them to execute at intervals or based on system events. Though experts will love this flexibility, ordinary users may have trouble finding the settings they need.
Using advanced ThreatSense® technology, ESET NOD32 Antivirus proactively protects you from new attacks, even during the critical first hours when other vendors' products aren't aware the attack even exists. ESET NOD32 Antivirus detects and disables both known and unknown viruses, trojans, worms, adware, spyware, rootkits and other Internet threats.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus is also one of the fastest antivirus solutions, so fast you won't even notice it running. And it's both incredibly easy to use yet simple to tailor for your specific needs.
Key Benefits:
- Protection from the Unknown
- Finds Malware Other AV Companies Missed
- Built for Speed
- Easy on Your System
- Easy on You
download cracked version of eset NOD32 antivirus HERE
after your dowlnload , please make sure to READ THE ISNTRUCTION b4 installation or u will only get a trial of 30 days onlywednesday morning glory...
assalamualaikum & selamat pagi rabu kawan2 di ada2aje..
rasa nak gi alamanda hari ni.. sape nk ikut??
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Selamat pagi Sabtu ada2aje
Pagi ni nak pi kenduri kat Parit Buntar, yg lain apa projek?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Ain't I pretty? ~Good Morning..
Selamat pagi Jumaat kawan-kawan.. last few days have been very tiring.. but worth it.. :)
Semoga semuanya sihat2 dan ceria2 selalu hendaknya..
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Suatu Subuh Yg Bening
Assalamualaikum & Selamat Pagi Isnin kawan2..
Have a nice week ahead.. tak sabar nak mula bercuti pjg pertghan minggu ni..